Monday, December 28, 2009

Has it been a year?

More than that actually.

Thanks to my returning as well as new customers 2009 wound up to be another growth year. This spring, with a little help form my home equity credit line, I was able to replace my old alignment computer for a new Hunter system. A little extra cash at the end of the year gave me the down payment for a new Hunter tire changer with the balance again coming out of my HE credit line.

The winter season slow down is when I look at all of the other things that fall to the side during the summer when there is little time to plan and promote. The biggest decision in front of me at the moment is where to move the shop. There is simply not enough room at 1009c W 80Th for a two bay shop. The leader so far is 1300sf on the back of Bloomington AutoMax. Yup, if you count working in my home garage behind my house, this would be the third straight location where I'd be on the back of a building. At least at A.M. I'd have room for three bays, and (drum roll) a freekin bathroom. I'm so ready to not have to walk 200 feet around the front of my current building to use the restroom. So far the folks in the business that I've surveyed, like my tool guy, parts guy, equipment sales guy etc. have all agreed that the AutoMax building would work out well. I'm still a little unsure, but I'd like to make the call as soon as possible because I still have a 60 day notice at my old shop, so giving notice any later than Jan. 2010 means the risk of losing work by closing to move during my busy season, or paying double rent for a month.


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